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Fluid Pumps for Petrochemical Industry

The choice of the fluid pump for petrochemical industry, (as for bitumen and oil) usually depends on the final application. It ranges from the exploration, delivery and re-circulation, as well as further loading for transport. Moreover, the requirement of the pump is also depends on the conditions of place of the extraction.

In phase of exploration, it may be required a safe transportation of multi-phase mixtures of gas and fluids. Or, for example, to handle viscous fluids, or fluids contaminated with solids media.

Pompe Casali delivers high-quality, customized pumps for such applications all over the world, providing service from consultation through to commissioning.

Our fluid pumps for petrochemical industry are characterized by:

  • High-precision metering
  • Secure and solid materials. All materials used in our pumps are tested wherever its possible on their resistance to the processing fluids.
  • Certificates and documentation, and where it possible the operating instructions and details in different languages.
  • Global shipment. We can provide the shipment to most world destinations.
  • International standards. Our pumps are ISO 9001 certified and compliant with all major international standards.
  • Custom design. You can rely on over 60 years of experience in the design of pumps and well trained and prepared staff.
  • Maintenance and service. We guarantee fast response of our service technicians in case of the need of spare parts or repair.
  • High reliability under extreme conditions in different parts of the globe.

To sum up, pump is an essential component in petrochemical and oil industry. Purchasing Pompe Casali products you acquire the guarantee of high efficiency, experience and successful operating reference list.

Our fluid pumps for petrochemical industry offer the highest levels of reliability. It’s also related to the materials’ and components’ ability to resist corrosion and erosion.

As far as the operations in petrochemical industry are critical, the fluid pumps merit only the highest level of quality. That comes with Pompe Casali spare parts and highly recommended accessories to optimize pump process and safety.


fluid pump for petrochemical industry
fluid pump for petrochemical industry
fluid pump for petrochemical industry
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